Does your IT company offer a fully managed IT security solution?

It’s crazy to think that in today’s world there are businesses that ignore their IT needs. It’s like starving to death in the middle of a fully-stocked grocery store.

But somehow, it does happen. For whatever reason, whether it’s a misguided cost-cutting principle or just simple ignorance of how much is at risk, many businesses don’t properly secure their network.

If you had to guess, how many new viruses do you think were created in 2024? A few thousand? Hundreds of thousands? It can’t be more than a million, can it?

The actual total is astronomical: over 300 million new pieces of malware were created last year.

There are literally hundreds of millions of threats out there, and all it takes is a single attack to ruin all the time and effort you’ve spent building your business. Really, the effects of just one data loss incident can be that catastrophic. On average you’ll end up paying $150 for every file that is compromised in a cyberattack, and can add up to a back-breaking total since thousands of files are usually compromised in a successful attack.

This cost of recovering from data loss is often too much to bear, as 55% of small to medium-sized businesses close within 6 months of a security breach.

80% of malware attacks are unique, so simple signature-based antivirus software isn’t going to do you any good. You need the expertise of an IT professional that truly understand the ever-changing threat landscape.

But can you actually afford the wages and benefits it will take to add an IT expert to your staff? With CTS, you don’t have to.

Our fully managed services allow you access to a whole team of IT security experts at an affordable flat rate. We will actively secure your network from new and developing threats, all for less than the cost of a single low-level, full-time, in-house IT worker.

Contact us at (888) 511-25 or for more information about our IT security services.